The feature of the Middle Eastern culture? - Asia segment and the ...

Islamic culture - Wikipedia

The feature of the Middle Eastern culture? - Asia segment and the ... The Islamic cultures (Islamic cultures), a secular term used as a term for cultural feature common to historically Muslims. Century and established Islam in the Arabian Peninsula, initial of Muslim culture was mainly developed in the Arab region. With the rapid expansion of the Islamic empire, culture of Muslims Persian, Bangladesh, Turkey, Pakistan, Mongolia, China, India, Malaysia, Somali, Berber, Egypt, Indonesia, the Philippines, Eastern Roman Empire, Andalus, Sicilian, Balkans , affect the people of a wide range of areas such as the West, it has been assimilated at the same time. Use as a technical term Islamic culture is the term itself a lot of discussion. Muslims have lived in many different countries and regions, it is difficult to separate the cultural solidarity among Muslims. Anthropologists and historians have conducted research on Islam as a region where religion has a major impact on culture. Islam prominent historian and is Marshall Hodgson (English version) is its own work in the [Islamic attempts], [of Islam (Islamic)] and [Muslim (Muslim)] The term secular the It describes the difficulties to be used as a religious term while comparing and use.