The feature of the Middle Eastern culture? - Asia segment and the ...

The Islamic culture (Islamic culture) - Kotobanku

The feature of the Middle Eastern culture? - Asia segment and the ... Islamic culture Generic name of cultural product of the Islamic empire until around century. Although the keynote of the Arabic and Islamic, to reflect the global nature of the Islamic empire, including Christianity, Judaism, and each religion, such as Zoroastrianism, Persians, Turks, also intellectual activities, such as the Greeks It is. In addition, to come noticeable has its own personality of the country since the unification of the Islamic world is broken-century by the Mongol army of invasion, which may be divided in the previous fiscal year and late. The political Caliphate is has the real power, sovereignty is to be in God (Allah). Bureaucracy and the army is being presided over the original caliph, came to Wajiru order to progress in the Abbasid after centralization (prime minister) is placed. Islamic law (Sharia) is a religious law that regulates the entire life of a Muslim, rely on the Koran. The judiciary was by Cardy the appointment of the caliph (judge). In terms of academic as those of the specific law, history, there is a theology, medicine as an academic of foreign, astronomy, chemistry (alchemy), mathematics, there is a philosophy.