The feature of the Middle Eastern culture? - Asia segment and the ...

Story I spent months in the Islamic school of college students | ...

The feature of the Middle Eastern culture? - Asia segment and the ... Story that I spent months in the Islamic school of college students [Freedom and equality the vocal shout country is, on the other hand to buy a large quantity of oil from the country is in, and support the prosperity of the royal family who. Is this not clearly contradicted? ] We often hear the word Islam news such as the recent. However, those who know more information about Islam does not have much. I was also like that one person. Such I have, by some freak coincidence lies in Turkey, we will be months sponger to Islamic school. To say that the school, classroom to the floor of the apartment without such a fine school buildings, only there is a room to sleep in student populations floor. Teacher is a person of the Egyptians (English lived for a long time Syria fluent in both human), and students of more people from age to age, have been living together while learning Islam here away from home. Male students are all Syrians (Aleppo and Homs, Hummer, Hometown such as Latakia is different).